Editorial Guidelines

The content at Safe Not Scammed is shaped by the following guidelines:


Safe Not Scammed provides easy to understand information about staying safe online. The information is presented in the form of news articles, how-to guides, question and answer posts, lists, and reviews.

The content is made for people who have only limited prior knowledge about online security who want to better protect themselves against online threats.

Values and standards

Safe Not Scammed is committed to providing content that is relevant, accurate and fair.

We aim to cover topics that will be relevant to our audience of people newly interested in online security. For example, guides about how to use authenticator apps, news coverage about the latest data breach, and reviews of password managers.

We strive to produce articles that contain accurate information and backup our claims with links to credible sources, screenshots or other evidence.

We are committed to writing articles that are fair to anyone or anything discussed within them.


This website and all of its content is produced by Rebecca Lea Morris.

We do not accept sponsored posts.

Corrections policy

While Safe Not Scammed strives to produce accurate articles, sometimes a mistake may slip through the cracks. If you believe one of the articles on the site contains inaccurate information, please let us know using our contact form.